Monday, July 10, 2006

Most Notorious -- Long Beach creature has power to sell tabloids and smokes cigars

LONG BEACH --- It emerged from the swamp to terrorize the world."What may be man's missing link -- a grotesque, hissing creature with the head and upper body of a human and the dragon-like lower body of an alligator -- has been captured alive just miles from here in the Big Cypress Swamp," began a 1993 cover story in a Florida newspaper.

Perhaps Jake can trace his pedigree to the fabulous human-beast hybrids of mythological lore, like the satyr or the centaur. The echidna might make a nice mate for him --- she has the head, arms and torso of a woman, while the rest of her body is a snake.

But Jake's many fans think of him as lovable, not scary, and a few have shared their own stories with owners Marian and Junior Marsh.

Some visitors to Marsh's said they remember Jake alive and wiggling, smoking cigars and hanging out in a swanky New Orleans whorehouse.

Others recall him performing in a sideshow at a Texas carnival, or dressing in drag (as Minnie the Mermaid) at a San Francisco club.

...believe it, or not...

The Daily News Online

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