Thursday, July 06, 2006

A model train carrying cigars...

Godard and Almodóvar in Paris

Dave Calhoun reports on two intriguing new exhibitions in Paris.

Last summer I interviewed Jean-Luc Godard at his home in Rolle, Switzerland, where he indulged in a characteristic grumble about the guardians of today's film culture, and especially metropolitan curators (or, as he so sweetly put it, 'people like you').

The second room, 'Hier', is a more satisfying expression of Godard's career and influences: small screens show extracts from his own films, while larger screens show clips from Lang, Rossellini, Cocteau and Nicholas Ray. The mood is more fruiful. A mini-jungle of luscious green pot-plants sits in the middle of the room. A model train runs back and forth through a tunnel into the first room, carrying cigars and tennis balls (two of Godard's passions). But it's never more than tantalising, scrappy and mildly provocative.

...that's a rewarding room...

Godard and Almodóvar in Paris - The TOMB movie news - Time Out Film

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